Posted on 3/24/2022

Windshield washer fluid is a mixture of solvent, detergent, and other cleaning agents that help remove grime and bugs off your windshield. Almost every car has a function that spritzes out washer fluid to help you see better in fuzzy conditions. Since the chemicals in the fluid help remove grime and bugs, water is not an adequate substitute for windshield washer fluid. Nearly all washer fluids have an antifreeze agent with a very low freezing point so that the liquid doesn't expand or burst within the pump or fluid lines in colder climates. Some washer fluids are extra concentrated and designed to be mixed with water at a particular ratio. While others are sold to be used as-is. However, adding plain water to your windshield washer fluid reservoir may not be the play. While water may be quick and easy to grab when you're in a hurry, it may only be an acceptable temporary solution for those who live in warmer climates. Another problem that water can present is ... read more